Unlike a Freeze-Out tournament in which you are eliminated once you’ve lost your chips, a Rebuy tournament gives you the opportunity to purchase more chips for a set period of time, typically during the early blind levels of a tournament. This allows for more excitement and bigger prize pools.
There is generally a rebuy period for the first hour of the tournament, although it may vary. Players may re-buy chips if they have lost all their chips or have less than they did when the tournament originally started. Eligibility of rebuys may vary depending on the tournament.
Rebuy tournaments typically have an add-on period at the end of the rebuy stage. Although this may vary, players may usually add on for the same amount of chips they started with. Generally, add-ons are offered to everybody regardless of size of stack. Once the add-on period is over players can no longer buy-in or rebuy into the event.
The final prize pool will remain undetermined until all rebuys and add-ons are complete. Please read the rebuy rules of the tournament in the “Tournament Lobby” before playing, as the rules may vary depending on the tournament.